Dress Your Bedroom as You Dress Yourself.

The ever so lovely Peacock Alley Linens shared some Wednesday wisdom with us today from their founder, Mary Ella Gabler.  

"It made sense to me that these women would want to dress their bedrooms as they dressed themselves: in natural fibers, simple silhouettes and classic colors.  It was how I dressed and it was how I wanted to live."

If you're like most women, you put a lot of time, money, and effort into your wardrobe.   It could be because we like our clothes to be comfy and cozy, because we wear them against our skin for 12+ hours a day, and what woman doesn't love a good compliment!?  So why not treat yourself to these same luxuries when choosing your bedding?  After all, we do spend 1/3rd of our lives sleeping in that bed!

By dressing your bed in Ogallala products, you are not only surrounding yourself in naturally hypoallergenic luxury, you are helping support and revive the Monarch butterfly population.  How, you ask?  Our luxurious Hypodown® products are made with 70% white goose down, and 30% Syriaca clusters (also known as Milkweed fibers).  By responsibly collecting milkweed pods to make Hypodown®, we help preserve the native milkweed stands and create demand for milkweed products.

Do yourself, and the Monarch butterfly population, a favor and treat yourself to one of many Hypodown® products at Ogallala Comfort Company - www.ogallalacomfort.com.

For more information on the Monarch butterflies and our story, visit www.monarchflyway.com


-- Cassie Knoop